Understanding our earliest childhood bonds play a huge important role in how we show up for ourselves and others.

To put it simply, our relationship with our primary parent-figures is the foundation of the dynamics of all the relationships we have in adulthood. The safer and more secure the bond between a child and their immediate parent-figures, the safer and more secure the child feels in the world at large.
Now, a lot of us may have not had a secure or safe upbringing. know for me this was the case which is why I had to learn the importance of Inner Child Reclamation and how to understand my unmet needs and learn how to reparent myself versus continuing to act out and harm myself.
You see, for the longest time I didn’t know my own needs let alone understand how to start giving them to the parts of myself that were screaming inside, “ See me, love me, accept me.”
This impacted my emotional and physical well-being for years. It led me to many toxic relationships and disconnection from my feminine body. And just like everything in life, eventually it boils up to the surface for deep healing and a shift! This is when my inner child reclamation became my focus.
First we must know that we all have a childlike part of ourselves. This childlike part is free, filled with wonder and awe, and connected to the inner wisdom of our authentic self. But it may not always be easy to access due to your upbringing.
The inner child wounds are the consistently unmet emotional, physical, and spiritual needs from our childhood expressed through our subconscious that continue to impact our present self! (aka inner child archetypes)
Also, know that when this part (our inner child) isn’t acknowledged, it can run rampant in our adult life, often reacting impulsively and selfishly. The inner child is a petrified part of our psyche that formed when we were limited in our emotional coping abilities.
So as you start to begin your inner child work, your first step is to accept that you have an inner child that remains present in your adult life and it is in need of reclamation! Know that if you had any emotional or physical needs go unmet as a child, it is most likely you are acting out in ways that are potentially causing emotional or physical pain.
The truth is no one but you can, and will, have to show up each and every day to take care of those ever-changing needs. These efforts must come from you, and in the process of harnessing your OWN power, you will create a DEEPER more authentic connection to yourself.
That is why Inner Child Reclamation is your responsibility. It is the process of teaching ourselves the tools to meet our own needs! When we reparent and reclaim our inner child, you begin by learning how to identify your physical, emotional, and spiritual needs and then you practice noticing the conditioned way you’ve gone about attempting to get those needs met.
To start this process you must:
- Quiet the inner critic
- Embrace self-respect
- And give yourself compassion
With the help of your wise inner parent, you can learn how to validate your reality and feelings by witnessing them rather than instinctually judging or ignoring them. Your wise inner parent cultivates acceptance, while honoring the needs of your inner child- to be seen, heard, and valued for the authentic parts of yourself. You learn to become a PRIORITY!
Click here to check out this guide I created all on Inner Child Reclamation and learn how to develop the four pillars of reparent and reclamation!
Also, join me on May 21st for more Emotional Regulation practice at the Moon and Medicine Circle and SAVE THE DATE for my upcoming workshop The Power of Play on June 25th in Encinitas, CA!
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