It’s the NEW Year and it’s time to KICK it up a notch with learning how to create NEW loving discipline promises to self and more importantly, learn how to keep them!
You see, one of the main pillars of self love and respect is learning how to give yourself all the things you didn’t get as a child or while you were growing up. Then to also create boundaries with yourself to maintain them over time so you can learn to get your needs met versus outsourcing it to others or making others responsible for it.
Loving Discipline is a HUGE part of the healing process and cultivating it helps us to show up for ourselves and to build self-trust.
FACT: Many of us were raised in shame-based perceptions of discipline- it involved being punished for being “bad” and we may have felt judged or rejected.
It is the reversal of self-betrayal.
This is WHY choosing to make a new habit helps us to prove to ourselves that we are worth showing up for. We build a sense of inner reliability and resilience.
So wondering how you do it? Well…you achieve this by making and keeping small promises and developing daily routines and habits that support you.
It can be as little as taking 5 minutes a day to sit quietly or disconnect from your phone and allow peace and calm to come over you!
The key is to do something every day, consistently, and build up the trust that you will show up consistently for yourself.
Download this handout for more TIPS on Loving Discipline and JOIN the 22-Day Epic Self Care Challenge starting February 7th to get the accountability you need to help you stay committed to your SELF LOVE in 2022!
Remember…it is our responsibility to teach ourselves the tools to meet our OWN needs and this act of daily discipline should be a LOVING ONE!
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