Forget the quick fixes and cringe gimmicks. Achieve optimal results through sustainable nutrition and emotional regulation coaching.

January 1st brings a fresh start for many of us, and the $72.6 billion diet industry knows it. For these corporations, it’s about quick profit instead of exploring the food and mood connection, which takes time and effort. And it works, as so many people hand over their money to buy that new gym membership, start that juice cleanse, or purchase that gadget that tones your waist while you sleep.
And by February 1st, 80% of us will give up on those New Year’s resolutions.
True, lasting change doesn’t happen within days, weeks, or even a month. Impactful change is a wave instead of a straight line. But those ads wouldn’t be as flashy; the tortoise stumbling a few times, learning his lesson, and then winning the race over a period of time.
So what will be different for you going into 2024?
If you’re truly wishing to embody “New Year, New Me,” then EpicLuv has programs that will help you start implementing sustainable, healthier habits for mind and body, which longterm will stop the of seeking quick fixes and needing to “start over” at the beginning of each year.
The Food and Mood Connection

First, I want you to know that your health journey is unique to you. It’s about so much more than numbers on a scale or what your PR is at the gym. Weight loss may simply be a side effect of connecting to your body as you learn to honor its needs.
Second, this program is a slow and steady process. No way am I promising quick weight loss, an overnight change in your relationship with food, or a weeklong sabbatical to achieve emotional resilience. These programs require YOU to put in the inner work and the effort, which may seem insurmountable in the beginning but that’s why Sara Ferreri and I are here — to help you set small, actionable, attainable goals to better health.
This program is for people who:
- Are seeking optimal health from the inside out
- Understand, or are beginning to understand that the mind and the gut are connected
- Are willing to commit to a program for months at a time to obtain lifelong results
- Can see through our quick-fix culture and know why the tortoise won the race vs. the hare
Whether you’re looking to improve your relationship with food or your relationship with your emotions, learning how to implement new wellness habits for attainable New Year’s resolutions matters this holiday season.
Nutrition and Physical Well-Being (Food)
Getting a handle on your nutritional needs is hands down one of the best things you can do for optimal health. But it can be very overwhelming to go it alone, especially with all of the conflicting advice you see every day, from influencers and medical experts as well.
Again, your nutrition needs are unique to you and your body. But everyone can benefit from avoiding processed foods and from learning how to cook with whole, preferably organic foods. Basically, eat fewer things that come packaged or from the drive-thru and eat more things you’d find in nature.
What can you do to make clean eating stick in 2024?
Hire a functional nutritionist to help you clean up your food choices and learn how to apply them to your lifestyle.
A functional nutritionist can coach you to:
- Easily add more fruit and veggies to your day
- Keep healthy snacks near you at all times
- Add one new healthy food or recipe each week
- Drink half your body weight in water
- Have annual lab work to look for deficiencies and see what you may need to change in the upcoming year
Emotional Regulation and Well-Being (Mood)

Make 2024 the year you learn to develop emotional resilience. This doesn’t mean your life will become all “love and light.” No one is immune from uncomfortable emotions. But emotional resiliency is how you understand the meaning behind them and more importantly, learn self-regulation practices that teach you to respond versus react in all areas of your life.
A few things an emotional regulation coach can teach you:
- Somatic breathwork practices
- Qigong
- Cold water therapy
- Rage and anger release techniques
Mindfulness (Mood)
By practicing mindfulness in your life, you can be more present with yourself and your loved ones. You can attune more to your needs and learn how to implement mindfulness practices that create a more simplified way of being.
A few things a mindful living coach can teach you:
- Meditation that fits in your busy life
- Journaling
- Slowing down while you eat
- How to get a good night’s sleep regularly
- Creating a gratitude ritual
Our EpicNew YOU Offers!
Remember, the key is instilling small, micro-shifts in your lifestyle that have a big payoff long-term. Lifestyle changes need to be sustainable for success. Our brains are literally wired for handling these small changes, which is why so many of us fail when we try to hit the new year on a wrecking ball instead of a pendulum.
If you’re seeking ways to improve and enhance your relationship with food, how to regulate your emotions, or how to practice mindful living, then I invite you to check out one of these two programs today!

Book your FREE Discovery Call with Melissa to see if Epic Mind & Body Breakthrough is right for you!

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